NEWS Ukategorisert

Acenta and Bonzun have entered into an agreement regarding a reverse acquisition.

Håkan Tollefsen, Acenta Group CEO:

Acenta faces an exciting future with significant opportunities for substantial growth in an international market. With our strong position and the rapid expansion within the padel industry, we look forward to realizing our long-term vision — to create substantial value for both new and existing owners and partners. By listing the company, we open the door to a broader capital market, which not only strengthens our expansion capabilities but also allows us to act strategically and swiftly when the right acquisition opportunities arise. We are highly motivated to take the next step and are confident that we have the right conditions to maximize these growth opportunities.

Full PM: https://investor.bonzun.com/pressmeddelanden/?slug=bonzun-har-ingatt-avtal-avseende-ett-omvant-forvarv-av-acent-14472

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